Weidmuller Z-Series Snap-In Terminal Blocks

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Feed-through terminal blocks compatible with TS35 DIN rails.  Wiring feed-through or grounding terminal blocks with compatible end caps and jumpers.

See model selection chart below.

Feed-through terminal blocks are often used in panels and control cabinets to connect the wires that power and control the devices in the cabinet. A feed-through terminal block allows wires to pass through the block without splicing. Feed-through terminal blocks allow wires to be passed through the block in either direction, so it's easy to make changes to the wiring configuration without having to disconnect the wires.

PE feed-through grounding terminal blocks are used to connect a ground wire to a metal enclosure or structure. The ground wire provides an electrical path for current to flow in the event of a short circuit or other electrical fault. This helps to protect people and property from electrical shock and fire, to reduce electrical noise and interference, and meet electrical codes. A good ground connection can make it easier to troubleshoot electrical problems by providing a clear path for current to flow.

End plates ensure the function of a modular terminal and its specified rated voltage. They are fitted to the open side of the last modular terminal before the end bracket, guaranteeing protection against contact with live parts, and making the final terminal finger-proof.

Pluggable 32-amp cross-connection jumpers make it easy for you to connect modular terminal blocks without additional wiring effort. 

Weidmuller Z-Series Snap-In Terminal Blocks

Don't see the configuration you need? Call us at 800-953-7626.

Terminal Block TypeSizePositions ColorClick for Price and Availability
Terminal BlockEnd CapJumper Bar
Feed-Through2.5mm 2Blue ZDK 2.5-2 BL ZAP/TW ZDK2.5-2 ZQV 2.5/10
Blue ZDU 2.5 BLZAP/TW 1
Beige ZDU 2.5ZAP/TW 1
Red ZDU 2.5 RTZAP/TW 1
White ZDU 2.5 WSZAP/TW 1
3Beige ZDU 2.5/3AN ZAP/TW 2
Blue ZDU 2.5/3AN BL ZAP/TW 2
Orange ZDU 2.5/3AN OR ZAP/TW 2
4mm2Beige ZDU 4ZAP/TW 4 ZQV4-10
Orange ZDU 4 ORZAP/TW 4
Grounding2.5mm3Green/Yellow ZPE 2.5/3AN ZAP/TW 2 
4mm2Green/Yellow ZPE 4ZAP/TW 4
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